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Third Party Modules

The following modules are installed by default with the installation of Magento using the StoreFrame Theme. These modules are not maintained by StoreFrame. They are free or paid modules. You can only report bugs to us through the support team. We then try to report the bug to the creator of the module as soon as possible, or alternatively, make a fix ourselves through a patch.

Module Description
AvS_ScopeHint AvS_ScopeHint is an extension for Magento, adding visual hints to the admin area for configuration settings related to scopes such as 'default', 'website', or 'store view'. It aids in identifying settings overridden at website or store view level and shows where the current value originates from, helping administrators manage configuration settings across multiple store views or websites more easily.
Elgentos_CategoryTiling Elgentos_CategoryTiling is a Magento module that transforms the standard display of product categories in your Magento webshop. It displays product categories in a tile pattern, creating a more visually appealing and organized layout, potentially enhancing user experience and customer engagement. Developed by Dutch e-commerce company Elgentos.
EthanYehuda_CronjobManager EthanYehuda_CronjobManager is a Magento module providing administrators a user-friendly interface to manage and monitor cron jobs within their Magento store. It allows scheduling, executing, deleting, and checking the status of cron tasks, all from the Magento admin panel. Created by Ethan Yehuda, a well-known developer in the Magento community.
Swissup_Firecheckout Swissup_Firecheckout is a Magento module designed to optimize the checkout process. It aims to provide a fast and simple checkout experience with fewer steps and fields for customers to fill, potentially increasing conversion. This module includes customizable checkout layouts, additional features like automatic address filling, and compatibility with common payment and shipping modules. Developed by Swiss company Swissuplabs.
Experius_FormSelectChosen This Magento module by Experius ensures that select fields in the Magento admin panel can utilize the Chosen library, making it easier to search within select fields, especially useful when there are many options.
Experius_MissingTranslations This Magento module by Experius aids in identifying and managing missing translations in your Magento store. It collects missing translations and provides an interface to add these translations.
Experius_WysiwygDownloads This module by Experius adds the ability to insert downloadable files through Magento's WYSIWYG editor, facilitating the insertion of download links in product descriptions, CMS pages, etc.
Faonni_ShippingTweaks Faonni_ShippingTweaks is a Magento module that provides several adjustments to the shipping functionality in Magento. Although the exact functionality may vary, such modules may offer features like customizing shipping methods, limiting shipping options based on customer location, or modifying the display of shipping information.
Fisheye_UrlRewriteOptimiser Fisheye_UrlRewriteOptimiser is a Magento module designed to enhance the performance and management of URL rewrites. It helps to optimize the URL rewrite process and manage rewrite rules more effectively.
GalacticLabs_DisableCompareProducts The GalacticLabs_DisableCompareProducts module enables administrators to disable the product comparison feature in Magento. This can be useful for stores that do not require this feature or want to simplify the customer journey.
GhoSter_ChangeCustomerPassword Developed by GhoSter, this module provides administrators the ability to change customer passwords directly from the Magento admin panel. This can be useful for customer service and account management purposes.
MSP_Common MSP_Common is a supporting module used by the Italian company MSP as a foundation for their other Magento modules. It contains common functions and libraries that are used by multiple MSP modules.
MSP_CmsImportExport MSP_CmsImportExport is a Magento module that offers advanced import and export capabilities for CMS pages. It can be useful for migrating content between different Magento installations or for making backups of CMS pages.
MagePal_Core MagePal_Core is a supporting module from MagePal that serves as the foundation for their other Magento modules. It provides common functionalities and libraries used by their other modules.
MagePal_CustomerAccountLinksManager MagePal_CustomerAccountLinksManager is a Magento module that allows administrators to customize the links in the Magento customer account dashboard. It enables you to add, remove, or modify links depending on the needs of your store.
MagePal_Reindex MagePal_Reindex is a Magento module that allows administrators to manage the reindexing of Magento from the admin panel. This can be useful for optimizing store performance and updating product and category data.
MageSuite_Magepack MageSuite_Magepack is a bundle of various Magento extensions developed by MageSuite. This module provides a series of enhancements and additional features for Magento, including performance improvements, security, SEO, and user experience enhancements.
Magefan_AdminUserGuide Magefan_AdminUserGuide is a tool that adds a user guide to the Magento admin panel. This can be useful for training new staff or assisting existing team members in understanding how to perform certain tasks within the admin interface.
Magefan_Community Magefan_Community is a base module from Magefan used by other Magefan modules. It contains common functions and libraries that are used by multiple Magefan modules.
Magefan_Blog The Magefan_Blog module from Magefan adds blog functionality to your Magento webshop. It allows administrators to create and manage blog posts, which can be useful for content marketing and SEO.
Magefan_BlogGraphQl Magefan_BlogGraphQl extends the Magefan_Blog module with GraphQL support, allowing developers to query blog data via GraphQL.
Magefan_WysiwygAdvanced Magefan_WysiwygAdvanced is a Magento module that enhances the standard WYSIWYG editor by adding features such as inserting widgets, variables, and media.
Mageplaza_Core Mageplaza_Core is a supporting module from Mageplaza that serves as the foundation for their other Magento modules. It provides common functionalities and libraries that are used by their other modules.
Mageplaza_CurrencyFormatter Mageplaza_CurrencyFormatter is a Magento module that provides the ability to format currency display. This can be useful for customizing the display of prices to meet local conventions or customer preferences.
Mageplaza_Smtp Mageplaza_Smtp is a Magento module that enables you to use an SMTP server for outgoing emails from your Magento webshop. This can improve email deliverability and provide email traffic logging.
Paynl_Payment The Paynl_Payment module integrates payment services into Magento, enabling various payment methods provided by to be used in the webshop. It offers a seamless payment experience with support for different payment options.
Prince_Productattach The Prince_Productattach module allows for the attachment of files to product pages. This can be useful for sharing user manuals, technical specifications, or other relevant documents with customers.
RedChamps_AdminNotificationBlocker This module by RedChamps provides the ability to block certain admin notifications in Magento, maintaining a clean and focused admin interface.
RedChamps_CleanMenu The RedChamps_CleanMenu module gives you the ability to clean up Magento's main menu by removing or relocating unwanted menu items.
Semaio_ConfigImportExport The Semaio_ConfigImportExport module offers advanced import and export functionalities for Magento's configuration settings, useful for migrating settings between Magento installations or backing up configuration.
Swissup_AddressAutocomplete The Swissup_AddressAutocomplete module features an automatic address completion function based on customer input, simplifying the address entry process and reducing errors.
Swissup_AddressFieldManager This Swissup module provides the ability to manage address fields in Magento, allowing admins to add, remove, or modify address fields.
Swissup_AddressValidation The Swissup_AddressValidation module provides functionality to validate customer addresses during entry, helping to prevent order dispatch errors by ensuring addresses are correct at the time of entry.
Swissup_Ajaxlayerednavigation The Swissup_Ajaxlayerednavigation module enhances the usability of filtered navigation in your Magento store by loading results using AJAX without having to reload the page.
Swissup_Core The Swissup_Core module is a foundational module for Swissup, providing common functionality across multiple Swissup modules.
Swissup_Attributepages With Swissup_Attributepages, you can create special pages for product attributes which can be useful for SEO and offering customers an alternative way to find products.
Swissup_CacheWarmer The Swissup_CacheWarmer module ensures that your Magento webshop's cache stays warm, meaning the cache is regularly refreshed to ensure optimal performance.
Swissup_Checkout Swissup_Checkout is designed to manage the checkout experience in the webshop, offering features to streamline and optimize the process including customizable checkout fields and integrated payment methods.
Swissup_CheckoutCart The Swissup_CheckoutCart module is responsible for the shopping cart functionality during checkout, ensuring seamless integration between the cart and checkout page.
Swissup_CheckoutFields Swissup_CheckoutFields allows the addition of custom fields to the checkout process, useful for collecting additional customer information such as special delivery instructions.
Swissup_CheckoutRegistration The Swissup_CheckoutRegistration module facilitates customer registration during checkout, enabling customers to create an account while buying, potentially speeding up future shopping.
Swissup_CheckoutSuccess Swissup_CheckoutSuccess manages the page displayed after a successful checkout, providing options to customize it and present relevant information or offers to customers post-purchase.
Swissup_Codemirror Provides code-writing tools such as syntax highlighting and code completion.
Swissup_Ajaxsearch Improves search functionality with real-time AJAX search results.
Swissup_CustomerFieldManager Adds custom fields to customer profiles.
Swissup_DeliveryDate Allows customers to select a preferred delivery date during checkout.
Swissup_Easyflags Manages language or region flags for multilingual or regional stores.
Swissup_FieldManager Adds custom fields to various parts of the store, including products and customer profiles.
Experius_AddressLines Adds additional address fields for customer profiles and checkout.
Swissup_FirecheckoutIntegrations Provides integrations with external systems to enhance checkout functionality.
Swissup_Gdpr Helps comply with GDPR regulations, including consent management and the right to be forgotten.
Swissup_Geoip Provides geolocation functionalities based on customer IP addresses.
Swissup_Highlight Highlights products or categories in the store.
Swissup_Hreflang Manages hreflang tags for SEO in multilingual and multiregional stores.
Swissup_Image Advanced image management features such as optimization and thumbnail generation.
Swissup_Navigationpro Enhances store navigation with advanced menus and options.
Swissup_Orderattachment Allows customers to attach files to their orders.
Swissup_Pagespeed Optimizes page loading times, including minimizing code and optimizing images.
Swissup_ProLabels Adds professional-looking labels to product images.
Swissup_RichSnippets Improves SEO with rich snippets, providing extra information in search engine results.
Swissup_Rtl Supports right-to-left (RTL) languages by mirroring theme styles appropriately.
Swissup_SearchMysqlLegacy Provides a fallback for shops using the MySQL search function.
Swissup_SeoCanonical Adds canonical tags to pages to prevent duplicate content issues in search engines.
Swissup_SeoCore Provides core SEO functionalities such as meta tags and XML sitemaps.
Swissup_SeoCrossLinks Generates cross-links within the store for SEO and navigation.
Swissup_SeoHtmlSitemap Generates an HTML sitemap for SEO and customer site understanding.
Swissup_SeoImages Optimizes image alt and title texts for SEO.
Swissup_SeoPager Optimizes pagination for SEO with relational tags.
Swissup_SeoTemplates Creates SEO-friendly templates for site elements.
Swissup_SeoUrls Helps create SEO-friendly URLs, removing unnecessary words.
Swissup_SeoXmlSitemap Generates an XML sitemap for search engine structure understanding.
Swissup_SoldTogether Displays products frequently bought together to enhance cross-selling.
Swissup_Stickyfill Provides sticky functionality for elements like menus or shopping carts.
Swissup_SubscribeAtCheckout Adds newsletter subscription option during checkout.
Swissup_Swiper Adds a responsive, touch-friendly slider for image carousels or product sliders.
Swissup_Taxvat (Duplicate entry; likely intended for a Tax/VAT-related module by Swissup.)
Swissup_Tippyjs Enables tooltips for elements in the store, providing supplemental information.
Temando_ShippingRemover Removes Temando Shipping from the Magento installation.
Utklasad_AdminProductGridCategoryFilter Adds a category filter to the admin product grid, simplifying product management by category.